The Transport Planning Pressure Point
The rapid pace of urban development and creation of new towns has been the backbone of economic growth in the developed world since the 1950s. That dense style of development, with vast infrastructure and roadway costs, has been adopted by emerging powers in developing countries to bring billions of people out of poverty. With brisk economic development come added pressures: an improved quality of life and better care of the natural environment.
Maximising the community’s investment in efficient transportation networks is the cornerstone of sensitive development, helping businesses and families thrive. However, meeting the legislative requirements around noise and air pollution issues has significantly increased the workload for national, state and local governments, authorities and industry.
There is more to do, and more to measure than ever before
Application Areas
ODEN is a commercial turnkey noise mapping platform with multiple applications ranging from local project level assessment through to national and international strategic noise mapping initiatives. Its standardised approach ensures consistency and comparability of noise assessment results. Benefits of ODEN include:
• Public Sector & Industry Applications
• Transparency & Accountability
• Visible, Clear Processes
• Reduced Costs (Initial & Annual)
• Reduced Training Requirement |
• Automated Workflows
• Supports Most Regulations
• Highly Scalable
• Local or Broad-Scale Models
• Integration with Corporate GIS |
Local Applications
ODEN has a variety of tools that enable users to carry out project level analyses to support local planning activities.
For example, a local agency could use ODEN to test the efficacy of retrofitting noise barriers to a road section verses application of LNRS to that road thus providing a valuable decision making tool.
With its air pollution modelling capability, ODEN could also be used to test the same barriers effect on potential air quality improvement. |
ODEN can be used to assist planners, engineers, architects and environmental practitioners to rapidly evaluate the acoustic performance of different development design options and noise mitigation strategies. ODEN assists with:
• Assessment of acoustic environmental baseline
• Assessment of design options
• Assessment of mitigation options
• Output suitable to support reporting and submission
• Road, railway and industrial noise assessment |
Policy Applications
ODEN provides a framework which allows central mapping authorities to coordinate the activities supporting strategic noise mapping. For example, ODEN assists authorities in preparing base data, provides tools for involved agencies to update this base data and finally tools to produce EU compliant noise maps and reports.
ODEN supports a variety of road, rail, aircraft and industry noise calculations, the generation of reports and statistical analyses and the visualization of results as maps and 3D interactive scenes.
ODEN can be configured to support the following regulations:
General: ISO 9613-2, Harmonoise, MSZ 15036 Road: RLS 90, DIN 18005, RVS 3.02, NMPB/XPS 31-133, CRTN (L10 and LAeq), UT2.1-302 Industry: VDI 2714/ 2720 /2571, DIN 18005, DIN 18005, ÖAL 28, BS 5228, DAL 32 Rail: SCHALL 03, DIN18005, AKUSTIK 04, TRANSRAPID, ÖAL 30 (ÖNORM S 5011), CRN, RMR/SRMII, RLM2/ISO, MSZ 2904 Aircraft: ECAC 29, AzB, AzB-L, DIN 45684, LBF, simulation of moving point source |
Industry Applications
Whether its abatement planning or reporting to regulatory bodies on compliance, ODEN has the tools most industry specialists need to support design & build and operational activities.
For example, by utilising the LimA engine behind ODEN, it is possible to model the highly complex screening construction associated with Industrial facilities. |